This is a mature game with dark themes. Therefore we will only allow players 18+ to join and all our characters are above 18 as well.

Journal names may be IC or OOC with no excessive letters, numbers or underscores. You should have a back dated friends only (spam post), an ooc contact post, and either a biography (three paragraphs or ten detailed facts) OR a small blurb and examples. Examples are NOT required if you have the biography or the ten detailed facts (more than 300 words). Discord is optional but it is a great way to interact with your fellow community members.

All threads must be posted to the IC comm and follow this posting format:
Who: [Who's involved in the scene.]
Where: [Where the scene is occurring.]
When: [When (morning, evening, between what events of the day) the scene is occurring.]
Rating: [PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, etc. Please state why it's rated what it is: violence, sex, disturbing themes etc.]

Activity and commitment are the most important parts of an RP, and are what keeps the group alive! Simply reblogging pictures/quotes/music rather than interacting with other characters does not count as being active. Engage, plot, and immerse yourself within the group!

Our members are allowed to have up to five muses at a time. The mods have a right to deny a request for an additional character, based upon your activity on your current characters.

Please make sure that you're keeping up with the game. We will not be instituting a formal activity check, but we do ask that you keep your characters active. You should, at minimum, be aiming for ONE thread or narrative and ONE interactive entry (with timely responses to comments) per month. If you're looking for a game to take up space in or to run through a plot and then ditch, we're probably not for you. We're looking for dedicated members.

If you have dropped your character(s) due to inactivity, we will ask that you stick to the character(s) you have for a minimum of two weeks before applying for another one.


Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at all. We will try to literally moderate and see why the issue is occurring but after that we will kick you to the curb. This is a no-brainer. Be kind to your fellow roleplayers, and be aware of what you are saying while OOC. There is a difference between IC drama and just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. IC/OOC line crossing is a huge example of this. Dont do this. Bad rper, bad!

Two characters hating one another does not mean the muns should be hostile to one another. If there is an issue between you, and a fellow roleplayer/s, please contact the mods immediately, and we will do our best to fix the problem.

You are in control of your character, and your character only. The only exception to this rule are characters that are not playable (NPCs). If you god-mod you will first receive a warning, and if it happens again, you will be asked to leave the RP.

Violence, death, drug/alcohol use, and smut will be things that happen in the RP. It is not required for you to write any of these things, but please understand that they will land on the friends page at some point. If you are not comfortable with even seeing these things on your friends page, this may not be the RP for you. That being said, triggering content should always be put under a cut, and with an appropriate trigger warning. NSFW content should always be put under a cut, and marked with the rating.

Large and 'life changing' plots (IE: Turning a human into a therian, pregnancy, death, etc) should be mentioned to the mods prior to them happening. This isn't to ask for permission - There's a very small amount of things we won't allow - but we want to be in the loop on what's going on. This especially goes for any huge, overreaching, or unusual story arc that will affect more than just you and your writing partner(s), or your possible future writing partner(s) if you have that planned out. Basically, don't blow up the earth kind of things. When you're dealing with supernatural creatures and MC, this can be an issue, so please ask accordingly.

It goes without saying. While IC, we expect to see complete sentences, proper punctuation, correct grammar, etc. The exception to this is conversations via texts.

Rome wasn't built in a day! And most plots do not happen overnight. Things take time. Do not be afraid to develop your character, and draw things out (to an extent).

Please keep the RP realistic as possible - There is nothing wrong with negative character development. Nothing is black and white, no one is entirely good or evil. These characters are living in different shades of gray, and have done both classically good and bad things. This RP will be having many mature themes, and could potentially push your character into darker places. Don't be afraid to have them get their hands dirty - Even saints have sinned!

Put yourself out there and plot with others! As said above, don't be afraid to develop your character, and really get into their head. This RP is going to have a heavy focus on writing and character development - Go out and start conversations and plots, and build relationships with the other characters.

RP is meant to be a hobby, and this group will only thrive if we're all having a good time. Don't limit yourself, or your writing. Develop your character, build plots/relationships, and enjoy yourself. That being said, real life is much more important than this group ever will be. Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut. Don't sacrifice anything in the name of an RP. Turns out it's not your jam? No hard feelings, let us know and bow out. Not connecting with your character how you used to, and want to write someone new? That's okay, let us know and we can work something out. Enjoy yourself, have a good time, and let this remain a lightweight writing hobby!